Kauai property sales for April 2020

Kauai property sales for April 2020  are reflected in the graph above.  41 Kauai residential homes, 3 vacant Kauai land properties, and 31 Kauai condos were sold on the island of Kauai for the month of April.    The Kapaa district led sales with 20 transactions,  followed by Koloa with 19 transactions,  Hanalei with 18 transactions,  Lihue with 15 transactions, and  Waimea with  3 transactions. (See previous blog posts for prior months’ statistics)

Despite the effects of the COVID 19 pandemic,   year to date residential sales were only down by 1.21% from 2019.  Year to date condo sales were down by 3.25%.   However, vacant land sales were down by  68.85% .   The future of Kauai real estate is in the eye of the beholder,  and we believe that  Kauai is still a precious commodity.   Business on Kauai,  and life in general,  has come to a halt, but Kauai is known to survive crisis.  This is not its first rodeo.   The aloha of its people and the island’s beauty….is still in place.

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