SOLD! Kilauea 3.3 acres vacant land

Team Mira utilizes various forms of advertising to sell their listings:

  1. Star 94.3 radio ads
  2. Social Media: Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn,
  3.  (Team Mira’s personal website)
  4. (Brokerage website)
  5. Email blasts to all Kauai realtors and Corcoran agents on Oahu, Big Island, Maui
  6. The Garden Island Newspaper – real estate ad (as appropriate)
  7. Postcards to neighborhood (as appropriate)
  8. Yard signs at property
  9. Flyers at property (as appropriate)
  10. Last but not least, the “coconut wireless” which sometimes works the best.  Being life long island residents, we have a wide network on the “coconut wireless”.
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