Kauai Home Sales Services

Ready to Sell Your Kauai Home, Kauai Land or Kauai Condo?

Ways that "Team Mira" markets your property online:

Our customized website was designed to provide  you, the seller, with up-to-date tools to reach your buyer.

  1. Your property is immediately listed on our website,  KauaiPropertySearch.com.  Buyers create a free account which provides them automatic and customized information about  Kauai listings which meet their buying needs.
  2. Your property is “featured” on the FRONT page of this website and is continuously rotated with our other listings.
  3. KauaiPropertySearch.com provides a variety of ways for buyers to search for & find your Kauai property:
    • By Kauai district
    • By property type: Home, Condo , Land
    • By price range
    • By property features: bedrooms, baths, living area, land area, days on market (DOM)
    • By Kauai map
    • And many more
  4. Buyers interested in your Kauai property email us directly to ask specific questions about it or to schedule an appointment to look at your property.
  5. Buyers have access to detailed information about your Kauai listing by logging on to the site via their mobile devices.
  6. KauaiPropertySearch.com is connected to many  social media accounts .  Some of these accounts include:
  7. Your Kauai property is also listed on various nationwide real estate databases to ensure a competitive edge with other listings in the United States.  These databases include, but are not limited to :
  8. Our local Kauai newspaper, The Garden Island, has a  Real Estate edition that is also available online where your listing will be available for viewing 24/7.

Even More Ways We Market Your Kauai Property:

  1. On Site
    1. Signage:
      1. Based on your approval and in compliance with your property’s residential covenants (if any),  a highly visible and appropriately located  “For Sale” yard sign is erected on your property.
      2. Property flyers are provided on sites where appropriate.
    2. Open House:
      1. Being full-time realtors, we are available to hold an “Open House” for your property, available to the general public,  at your request and when appropriate.
      2. Our local Kauai network of realtors  often host a “Realtor’s Caravan” for your area,  in which your property may be included. Or, we can also host a “Broker’s Open House”  personalized for your  property.
  2. Printed  Marketing:
    1. The Garden Island Newspaper:
      1. Every Friday, the local Kauai paper, “The Garden Island”, includes a supplemental Real Estate edition. Your property may be included in this Kauai Real Estate edition if we see it as a good marketing opportunity.  (This is a paid advertisement, thus, not all Kauai listings are included.)
    2. Brochures and direct mailers may be used when appropriate for your property.
  3. Direct Marketing:
    1. Team Mira has accumulated a long list of clients over the years that are looking to purchase Kauai property. If your property fits their specifications, we will contact them immediately via a phone call or email.
    2. Being associated with the Kauai Board of Realtors, we will send a prompt mass email correspondence to  KBR members, notifying them of your newly released  Kauai property for sale.
  4. Kauai's  “Coconut Wireless”:
    1. If you know and understand the various Kauai communities, word-of-mouth may be your best form of advertising for your property.  Being born and raised on Kauai, we will do our best to utilize this “timeless” form of advertising.

Get Proven Kauai Real Estate Know-How On Your Side

Contact us now for a consultation. We'll tell you exactly what we'll do to get the greatest return possible for your home or condo on Kauai.

88% of current buyers search for property via the Internet.   

Source: NAR

Selling Your Home?

Start with a FREE Market Analysis to determine your property's worth in the current Kauai market.

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